Giving back to the communities we live in is as important to CCDS as our commitment to delivering practical and effective Krav Maga Self protection throughout Northern Ireland.
If we can do both at the same time so much the better.
Please feel free to review just a few of the projects we have undertaken for businesses and organisations and see if we can meet any of your needs in these regards.
Contact Combative Defence Systems shall be running a series of free self protection seminars for women with funding from The Lottery Community Fund.
Students will undergo training in awareness, conflict management, practical do’s and don’ts to best protect oneself before a situation escalates into violence.
Students will also participate in physical training in non aggressive disengagement’s from attempted grabs, grasps and holds as well as anti rape techniques.
Larne, dates, times and location
Dates: December 13th and 20th, January 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th.
Times: All classes will be from 7pm to 9pm
Location: 57a larne Main Street, Larne, bt40 1je
Stay posted for more dates, times and locations once arranged.
Instructor Micheal Johnston
The Glow Project workshops
It was our honour to be asked by Armagh and Banbridge borough council to be involved in bringing practical self protection to both the children and young adults of the Glow Project. In the short but highly enjoyable time we had with these boys and girls we covered the most common forms of threat and attack as well as defensive posture and common sense do's and dont's when having to handle aggression. Big thank you to all concerned and looking forward to working with you all again in the future.
Working within the Community
Continuing our work within the community and voluntary groups, CCDS has been engaged by the volunteers and service users of Women’s Aid In Larne, Carrickfergus, Newtownabbey We have proudly been providing effective, accessible, tailor made self defence instruction for this very worthwhile organisation and hope to expand on this work for a long time to come.
Many thanks to fellow CCDS instructors Anita Aiken and Sarah Matthews for their invaluable guidance and teaching throughout.
Finally, thanks to everyone who attended. You all made the course a success and fantastic fun.
I can't thank the instructors & students enough. For those of you who didn't come, you genuinely missed an absolutely EPIC weekend of training and fun.
For those who did make it, I hope the knowledge & skills you developed benefit you where ever your path may take you.
Mark Davies
Founder, Tactical Edge
What a cracking weekend that was!
The Battle Camp is over and everyone involved had a really fantastic time.
The instruction was excellent throughout. Peter McClay worked everyone through both the developmental line & combative lines of grappling & counter grappling, assisted by Michael Johnston. Peters material could have done with a couple of weeks rather than a couple of sessions! Michael Johnston did some excellent drills & protocols on fighting your way up off the floor, dealing with the nasties that people will do to you if they knock you over, & then flowed into some CKMI basics. Michael Tatu Tkd Turner did a brilliant session on pressure testing.
Over the last 30 odd years that I've been teaching I've seen a lot of different instructors using a variety of suits as well as methods for adrenal stress testing and Michaels presentation and methodology was by far the best I've encountered. Logical, eloquent, concise, & enjoyable in its presentation, it was challenging to the perfect level in its execution.
Poor bloke did 28 fights back to back, which says a lot for his fitness, conditioning, & tenacity.
Joe Faulkner did a great presentation on 'bush medicine' teaching how to stich someone or yourself up in a worst case scenario and giving some excellent pointers on emergency first aid that you REALLY hope you never need.
Joe is a 3rd year medical student training to be a Doctor and it was brilliant of him to volunteer to do that for us.
Me; I kicked things off with footwork & movement drills, did some combatives off those, worked a session on espada y daga, a session on combative baton, & finished with a session on inverted front grip knife.
John Mcilvaney did a fantastic job with the BBQ, Keeping everyone fed at lunch & teatime.
After training we had a lot of Whisky, beer, wine, & rum, & a lot of laughs around a roaring fire. On the Friday night with a beautiful clear sky and on Saturday night under tarps with biblical rain lashing down.
Crawford and Elaine Easthope were amazing hosts & I sincerely cannot thank them enough for making such an effort, letting us train and stay there.
Thanks also goes to Crawford for getting me to pick up a guitar for the first time in over 10 years, lol.
It was nice to play a couple of tunes with you.
Krav Maga Girl Guides and Rainbows evening.
One of my all time favourite self defence demonstrations.
Not only because we where delivering it to the children from our local Girl Guides and Rainbows, but also because we got to showcase how far Tia from our Krav Maga Rhinos class had come since taking her first class with us as a timid and shy child who would have struggled to engage with her fellow students, never mind go beast mode on her instructor.
Thankfully the pad absorbed most of the power behind those body punishing knees.
Notice my feet leaving the ground as she drives them home.
The CCDS D.E.A.L Self Defence Program.
When the owners of a number of local businesses came to us with some problems they had been having trying to contend with awkward and abusive customers, we at CCDS designed a program to help their staff as best possible to safely negotiate with, or should the need arise, physically defend themselves from these kinds of clients.
Simple but effective their employees underwent training in conflict management as well as physical disengagement training in the the most likely/common forms of assault.
Defend Evade Alert Leave D,E,A,L
Streetbeat Youth Project
After one of their group was physically assaulted the team leaders from the youth organisation she belongs to Streetbeat, decided to proactively seek our help and we at CCDS where more than happy to facilitate a free Krav Maga self defence class for not only the victim of the attack but also her peers.
After addressing the type of assault perpetrated and working on the best practical ways to deal with it should that type of situation ever occur again, we moved onto the most common forms of threats and attacks using the same easy to assimilate, basic principles and techniques to give the best possible chances of defence.
Along with learning practical skills, all concerned had a fun time in the process and we at CCDS look forward to working with them all again in the future.
CCDS and The Big Telly Theatre Company
A bit of a change from the very serious work of delivering practical and effective Krav Maga and Tactical Edge self defence training here.
Myself and fellow instructor Pete (The Cleaner) McClay duking it out in a choreographed fight scene for The Big Telly Theatre Company during Operation Sweet talk.
Pete (The cleaner) McClay takes out both the Slime king and his henchman (me) in double quick time.
Fantastic day for all concerned in Magherafelt which included local businesses, actors and even the PSNI.
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